Month: February 2016

The law of negativity 

The concept of law of negativity is pretty simple and straightforward. It is such an that once we step into it we get swallowed deeper within and if we do not recognize the pattern we may not be able to get out of it. It will drain you and pull you down the spiral of misery.

You may have already experienced it, once you start having negative thoughts more and more keep coming. As if they are being bred in our minds. Likewise if we have a problem and focus on the problem, there seem to be no way out but if we instead try to find a solution, things somehow work itself out. So to say, negative thinking only breeds negative thinking and negative actions.

Nothing good has and ever will come out of negativity because negativity will absorb everything around it if allowed to. Therefore, in order to deal with it we must definitely start at the root source of it, that is through our thoughts, once you get a negative thought,you should imperatively shift to something pleasant even if it’s not related to the subject you are dealing with. That way you stop the proliferation of the negative energy towards you.

Eventually, from that perspective there will be a change in the chemistry of your brain and quality of thoughts will rise. You will start feeling less miserable and once you feel better, you see clearer. 

Much love


#life #insights #andyology